Herein, we present an extremely rare case of rectal ameboma associated with amebic liver abscess, which can only be distinguished with great care from rectal cancer with liver metastasis.
In children, intussusception can sometimes be felt by finger while doing a digital rectal examination, but a definite diagnosis often requires imaging techniques.
However, in some cases, a polyp can ulcerate causing rectal bleeding, and sometimes that bleeding can be very subtle and go unnoticed, but can result in anemia over time.
Test subjects lived there for weeks, free to wake and doze whenever they liked—but never free from the rectal thermometers that were attached to wall sockets by long cables.
Prostate cancer can be detected by a digital rectal examination, which is where a finger is inserted into the rectum to feel against the anterior wall of the rectum which lies along the posterior part of the prostate.
One good rule of thumb for telling the difference between males and females is that males have longer tails, and their rectal opening — called the vent — is further down the length of their tail than in females.